5 Easy Ways to Minimize Your Electricity Use

5 Easy Ways to Minimize Your Electricity Use

Worried about costly electric bills? Concerned about your power consumption? Looking for ways to be more eco-friendly? If so, there are some simple ways you can minimize your energy consumption and optimize power usage without having to resort to using candles! If you’re interested in keeping your electricity use to a minimum, try these 5 suggestions to start reducing your energy use at home right away!

Be Mindful of Your Laundry Habits

When it comes to saving money and resources, your laundry is one of those places that tends to be overlooked. Most homeowners forget about their washers and dryers, but changing your laundry habits can actually help you save a lot of money on electricity. For starters, try to always use cool water to avoid overheating. Meanwhile, make sure you always use the correct settings for each load of laundry. It’s also important to avoid overloading the machine. Not only will these tips help you save money on electricity, but they can also help reduce wear and tear on your washer and dryer.

Turn Off Electronics When Not in Use

When you’re out for the day, make sure to fully shut down your electronics so they don’t waste energy while you’re gone. If you have devices like TVs and computers on standby mode, these devices will still use electricity. Even leaving chargers plugged in can waste energy when they’re not in use. If you want to reduce energy waste in your home, it’s important to keep an eye on your electronics and turn off anything that doesn’t need to be on.

Check for Drafts

Eliminating drafts in your home is another great way to improve your energy use. If you think your home has poor sealing, you can actually use a feather to check for drafts. Hold a feather against the edges of your door and windows to see if it moves. If the feather moves, that means there is a draft and this may be an indication that your home needs some work done! If you have a drafty home, this will put a strain on your HVAC system because your heater will have to work harder in the winter. If your home is not properly sealed, you can use caulk to seal up holes or cracks in the walls.

Regularly Maintain Your HVAC System

You can save significant money on electricity by getting your HVAC system tuned up regularly. Have your HVAC system serviced at least once a year to ensure that it’s in optimal condition. After all, when something is amiss with your heater or air conditioner, the system will work extra hard to compensate for any problems you might, which can be extremely wasteful. It’s important to change your filters regularly and make sure that your system is running smoothly, and it can help you save on energy costs, too.

Use Smart Home Gadgets

These days, reducing your electricity use is not just about being energy-efficient. Nowadays, you can choose devices that are designed with innovative tech that allows you to minimize your power consumption. Smart home technology is a great choice if you’re looking for stress-free ways to save energy. With a smart thermostat, you can use an eco-friendly setting to keep your energy use efficient. You can also choose smart lights that have sensors so they only turn on when you need them. While these might seem like small changes, smart home gadgets can have a huge impact over time.

These 5 tips are a great way to start reducing your energy bill, but if you want to save even more electricity in your home, you may want to consider scheduling an inspection with an electrician to find out how you can save even more money on electricity bills every month

Check out this article for some additional plumbing tool ideas!

10 Easy Ways to Save Money on Your Electric Bill Each Month

Air conditioning is the cold elephant in the room when it comes to electric bills. Nothing beats walking into a cold wall of A/C after spending time outside during the summer.

While air conditioning keeps your house bearable in the summer, it’s by far the biggest drain on your wallet. Rethinking the way you use air conditioning can mean significant savings for you.

Start out with basic annual maintenance. This includes checking your air conditioning ducts before the weather heats up, changing the filters, and making sure the vents are actually open.

For the best results, you should change your air conditioner filter monthly.

On hot days, keep your house cool and your power bills lower by using the energy saver option on your air conditioner, and leave it on when you’re not at home.

Turning the air conditioner on “high” once you walk in the door at night will actually raise your utility bills, since the unit has to use much more energy to cool down a hot room.

You can save up to 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning back your thermostat 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.

Unplug devices you’re not using

All those smaller appliances and devices in your home don’t use much energy individually, but collectively they can really add up.

Did you know that anything you leave plugged in, like a toaster, coffee pot, etc (even if they are turned off), continue to draw trace amounts of electricity from your outlets?

In fact, it’s estimated that this “vampire energy” could account for as much as 5% of residential energy use.

Basically, if it’s plugged in, it is costing you small amounts of money that add up over time. But, there’s a workaround for this problem: power strips.

Here https://dollarsprout.com/ways-to-save-electricity/

Source: https://ericsymmonds.blogspot.com/2022/07/5-easy-ways-to-minimize-your.html

5 Electrical Projects You Should Never DIY

{5 Electrical Projects You Should Never DIY}

When it comes to electrical projects, a professional is your best bet. That’s because what might be an easy job for you could cause serious problems and even injury if done wrong or not taken seriously enough and this list contains some dangerous tasks!

In particular

1) Making changes around water sources (furnaces/ice machines)

2) Taking apart electric ranges without knowing how they operate first

3)Working on trailers

Replace Aluminum Wiring

The use of single-strand aluminium wiring in older houses is not only expensive but also hazardous to your safety. This type can cause short circuits and fires, so it’s important that you call an experienced professional when updating this part or any other aspect of home construction – especially if there are children living at home with parents who might not know how easy they could hurt themselves

Repair an Electrical Panel

The electrical panel is a complex device with wiring that you know little to nothing about. Apart from this, if there are any problems on the panel then it would be best for someone with experience in repairing these types of things to handle them because they require a permit and can cause serious accidents if not done correctly or at all!

Put Up New Switches

When it comes to installing new plumbing fixtures, you might be tempted by the idea that hassles and risks are just a part of life. But this couldn’t be further from reality! If your fittings or even sockets look worse for wear-or if something’s been broken for forever -you may think there’s no way around fixing them yourself right? Well actually

The first step in tackling any home repair project should always involve assessing hot wires before starting work on whatever needs fixing (i e: Both electricity supply lines). Without knowing how these things work firsthand can result injuries AND fires so please do some research beforehand if possible; also remember safety gear!

Alter, Extend, or Install Power Cables

When you’re tampering with power cables, it’s best to leave this job up-to professionals. A licensed electrician must check every alteration or extension in order for the work to not only be compliant but also safe and legal! You can’t just alter these things on your own because there are regulations about what type of connections each cable requires before being installed onto something important (like a house). So call an expert if the need arises – they’ll know exactly how much voltage needs to be flowing through which wire at all times; no wonder why safety comes first when working around electricity!!

Install a Junction Box

When wiring your home, make sure to stay in compliance with all local regulations. It’s important for safety reasons and because there are codes that must be followed at any cost! Your junction box will attach directly onto the framing of whatever building you’re working on – this means it needs a removable cover so access can easily been obtained when necessary without having an expert come out right away if something goes wrong or needs fixing later down the line

Home electrical projects are best left to professionals because they involve delicate work that can turn into a nightmare if you don’t know what you’re doing. You put yourself and family at risk by not being careful enough with the task, leading not only expensive repairs but also lost time due in interruption from other responsibilities such as work or school

Check out this article for some additional plumbing tool ideas!

8 Common Mistakes DIYers Make With Electrical Projects

Not Securing the Outlet

It’s a simple thing to do. Make sure the outlet is secured in place. Grab a screwdriver and securely tighten the two screws (one at the top and one at the bottom) to the box behind it. If it’s not firmly held in place, it can move. This can result in electrical arcing, which can result in fire. It can also damage whatever you plug in to them. Securing the outlet also helps when you put on the plate, making sure everything lines up nicely.

Not Using GFCI Outlets in Electrical Projects

GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter and it protects people from one form of accidental electrical shock. They monitor the amount of power leaving and returning to the outlet. If a short-circuit routes current through you to the ground, they sense the drop in 1/40th of a second or less and cut the power. GFCI receptacles cut the power any time a slight variation is detected. Proximity to a water source offers a prime example of where a GFCI should appear in an electrical project. Furthermore, a GFCI receptacle affects everything downstream in the circuit. Here’s how to install GFCI outlets.

Making Wires Too Short in Electrical Projects

Cutting your wire ends too short creates another wiring mistake that leads to the potential for poor connections. Your wiring benefits from allowing a little slack in the electrical box, but not too much. Make sure wire connections are tight, while also giving the wire some breathing room.

Here https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/7-common-mistakes-diyers-make-with-electrical-projects/

Source: https://ericsymmonds.blogspot.com/2022/05/5-electrical-projects-you-should-never.html

Reasons to Schedule a Corporate Energy Audit Today

Reasons to Schedule a Corporate Energy Audit Today

If you haven’t heard of a commercial energy audit, this is an assessment you can schedule with a licensed electrician to streamline your operations and make sure your company is energy-efficient. The long-term benefits will last for years! Learn all there is to know about energy audits below and find out how scheduling an audit today can start saving you money immediately! 

What is an Energy Audit?

An energy audit is designed to allow your business to operate more efficiently and effectively. A licensed electrician should always conduct the examination and they will be able to find out how much electricity you use, as well as any practices that are unproductive. Once this information has been compiled, the electrician will help you create a customized plan designed specifically to reduce expenses while maximizing potential savings.

Why Should You Schedule an Audit?

The benefits of an energy audit for your company are numerous and varied. Not only can an audit help you save money on power bills, but this thorough examination will also reveal any problems with your electrical system before they become big issues, saving you money and time down the road. 

Make Your Company More Eco-Friendly

Even tweaking something as simple as your light use can have a tremendous impact on your environmental footprint. For example, switching to LED lights will reduce electricity demand and carbon emissions! If you want to make an eco-conscious choice for your company, be sure to schedule an energy audit. 

Improve Your Comfort

The benefits of an energy audit for your building’s insulation and sealing are numerous. Not only can you reduce heat transfer, but as a result, you can also create greater comfort in your workplace by improving the thermal environment. This makes employees more comfortable at their workplace while saving on electric bills, too!

Improve Your Company’s Safety

An electrician will also be able to identify and rectify any potential hazards to your electrical system to help improve your company’s safety. During an energy audit, your electrician can check for carbon monoxide exposure from improper venting systems and any electrical fire threats caused by wiring that is not up-to-code. Potential radon leaks in the building’s equipment can also be identified with this type of audit. These issues might not be readily apparent, which is why an energy audit is important to identify and resolve any safety issues before it’s too late!

Save Money

Energy audits are an affordable choice that can help you save a lot of money. An energy audit is a great way to cut your operating costs, for starters. Did you know that many companies waste as much as 30% of their energy? Once you have the data about your energy use, you’ll be able to save a lot of money in the long run.

How Do You Request an Energy Audit?

If you’re ready to make your building more efficient, don’t hesitate! Contact an electrical services company to speak with a licensed electrician who will help you get started. Energy audits can also help you earn incentives that may translate into tax credits down the road. If you’re ready to get started, schedule an energy audit today!

Check out this article for some additional ideas!

An energy audit is recommended to determine the energy consumption associated with a facility and the potential savings associated with that energy consumption.

From a general point of view, an energy audit provides enormous benefits in different areas:

  • It helps reduce energy costs in your facility.
  • With a reduction in production costs, the competitiveness of your company will be improved.
  • It helps reduce the dependence on foreign energy sources.
  • It helps reduce environmental damage and pollution.
  • It can increase the security of your energy supply.
  • It can reduce the consumption of natural resources.
  • It can reduce damage to the environment associated with the exploitation of resources.
  • It helps reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.

At a particular level, among the major benefits of doing an energy audit are:

  • It helps you to lower energy bills.
  • It enables you to increase the comfort of those in the facility.
  • It helps you to increase the life span of the equipment in your facility.
  • It discovers any unaccounted consumption that may exist at the facility.

In summary, an energy audit can identify energy consumption and energy costs of the facility and it can evolve over time to develop measures to eliminate waste, maximize efficiency and optimize supply energy.

The energy audit affects three key factors:

  • profitability through optimization of energy expenditure
  • productivity through optimization of equipment and processes
  • performance, thanks to the rationalization of energy use.

Here https://help.leonardo-energy.org/hc/en-us/articles/203523352-What-are-the-benefits-of-doing-an-energy-audit-

Source: https://ericsymmonds.blogspot.com/

6 Tips to Stay Safe While Putting Up Holiday Lights and Decorations

Do you love putting up lights for the holidays? Whether you decorate for Christmas, the 4th of July, Halloween, or all of the above, it’s important to make sure that you follow safe practices when you put up your lights. If you don’t install lights properly, you could risk electric shocks, short circuits, and even potential fires. That’s why it’s so important to make sure all of your decorations are up to code to reduce the risks to yourself and your property! Fortunately, you can follow these 6 tips to safely put up holiday lights.

Check Your Equipment

To avoid serious safety risks, make sure your favorite holiday lights and decorations aren’t cracked or frayed. Check for loose connections and stripped wires before you test out your lights for the season. If you do notice any damage, you might be able to use electrical tape to protect against shock. Be mindful about how you store your decorations, as well; if you want to make sure your decorations last as long as possible, store them in their protective packaging.

Don’t Overload Your Outlets

When you put up holiday lights, there are a lot of plugs involved, and it can be tempting to not only use all available outlets but also to overload extension cords. You need to make sure you don’t overdo it by adding too many lights onto your setup, though. Overloading your outlets can cause major safety risks if your electrical system can’t handle such high power demands. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully when you put up any holiday lighting sets or other decorations.

Use GFCI Protected Outlets

Before you start installing lights on your Christmas tree or putting up electronic holiday decorations, it’s important to make sure that you are using GFCI outlets for proper protection. Ideally, you should schedule an electrical inspection with a professional to make sure that your home is up to code. A trained electrician will be able to help you install GFCI outlets and make sure your home’s electrical system can handle your holiday lights.

Fasten Your Decorations Carefully

When securing outdoor decorations and lights, it is important to remember that your outdoor lights may be exposed to heavy winds, rain, and snow. To ensure the best results, it’s best to use small, insulated staples or hooks to fasten your holiday lights. Make sure that you avoid uninsulated variants, which can damage the wiring and raise the risk of electrocution or electrical fires. It’s also important to keep your lights and electrical holiday decorations away from flammable materials, including cigarettes. The safest and easiest way to ensure great results for your holiday lights is to choose a certified electrician who can handle the installation for you

Keep Cords Uncovered

The cables and cords that run through your home are essential for providing power, but they can also become a fire hazard if they overheat. Carpets, furniture, blankets, and other items should never be laid on top of cords because covered cords can quickly overheat and cause a fire. Always remember that covering cords can trap heat inside, so it is best to leave all electrical cords uncovered.

Check out this article for some additional Electrical ideas!

Ten Tips for Safe Holiday Decorating

Seasonal decorations, including lights, trees and wreaths, can help put your household in the holiday spirit. However, when not used properly, decorations–particularly lights–can create safety hazards or cause fires.

Keep your family safe during the holidays. Prior to use, read the manufacturer’s instructions for each item to understand how to use it properly. In addition, follow these best practices to ensure your holiday lights and decorations are installed correctly:

  • Double check lights for frayed wires or cracks, and be sure there is a bulb in each socket. Discard and replace damaged strands.
  • When decorating outside, keep ladders and decorations away from overhead power lines. Ensure the ladder is securely placed on the ground before climbing.
  • Lights should be approved by Underwriters Laboratory. “UL” will be clearly displayed on the tag, signifying the product has been inspected for potential safety hazards. Red UL marks indicate the lights are safe for indoor/outdoor use, and green UL marks indicate the lights are only safe for indoor use.
  • Do not hammer tacks or nails into the electrical cord when hanging lights. Instead, use clips to safely attach lights to the house.
  • Use heavy-duty extension cords, and only use cords outdoors if they are designated for outdoor use. Avoid overloading extension cords by using no more than three sets of standard lights per cord.
  • Outdoor lights and inflatable decorations should be plugged into circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). GFCIs help prevent electric shock by breaking the circuit when differences in the currents of hot and neutral wires occur.
  • Use a timer or turn off lights before going to bed, or if you will be away from home.
  • For special ornaments that plug into a bulb receptacle, use no more than two per strand, or check the manufacturer’s directions.
  • Indoor lights should not touch drapes, furniture or carpeting. Keep lit candles away from flammable items, too.
  • Prevent tripping by placing cords and decorations in low-traffic areas where they won’t be walked on. Avoid twisting, kinking or crushing cords.
  • Here https://www.firstenergycorp.com/help/safety/using-electricity/holiday-decorating.html

from Eric Symmonds Electrician https://ift.tt/qwpG3Uj
from Eric Symmonds https://ift.tt/IVfpT19

How to Deal With an Electrical Shock

Electrical shocks can happen from something as simple as mishandling a light bulb to your toddler putting scissors inside an outlet. If you want prevent these sorts of accidents you should get everything checked out by a professional. A licensed electrician will spot problems with circuit breakers; receptacles; wiring – anything concerning electricity! And remember: prevention is always better than cure–don’t be complacent about protecting yourself & putting your family at risk.

Electrical Shocks Vary Depending on Several Factors

When you plug in an appliance with wet wands, such as a hairdryer or curling iron for example, it is possible to get electrical shocks. The danger from these types of device depends on the following conditions: 

  • The type of current
  • How high the voltage
  • How the current traversed through the body
  • The person’s overall health
  • How fast the person receives treatment

In rare cases, electrical shocks will leave no marks on the skin. However it can also result in burns that cause blisters and scarsring; The worst-case scenario is when a high powered current passes through your body as this could lead to heart arrhythmia or other injuries causing death depending upon how severe the damage was at first glance . In certain circumstances such as someone who has an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), even small amounts of electricity may be fatal because they require constant monitoring by medical staff throughout each day

When to Seek Emergency Care

If you have been contacted by emergency services due to an injured person who has come into contact with high voltage lines, do not move them unless there is imminent danger. It’s important that their condition be monitored closely so they do not resume contacting any more electricity and cause further injury or death! 

If you are unfortunate enough to experience an electrical accident, never go near the source of power until it has been Shut Off. Doing so can lead not just in death but also many other injuries that could leave permanent consequences on your life! Signs indicative for when there’s been a high voltage shock include: 

  • Presence of severe burns
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Mental confusion
  • Problems with heart rhythm
  • Signs of cardiac arrest or heart attack
  • Onset of seizures
  • Muscle pain and contractions
  • Loss of consciousness

What to Do While Waiting for Help

When you have a power issue, it’s important to first check if there is electricity coming from the electric source. If so then turn off that circuit breaker and call for emergency services before anything else happens!

How to Deal With an Electrical Shock

When dealing with a victim of electrocution, take precautions to prevent electronic contact. You can wear rubber gloves or use cardboard when moving away from the source if needed and wait for help before performing CPR on them in order avoid further harming their injuries due time spent trying treat what’s already been caused by an accident- which would be better served using medical professionals instead! The best way to avoid a potentially life-threatening situation is by performing annual inspections on your home’s electrical system. If you notice any problems or discrepancies during this time, then it would be in wise for You To Contact A Professional instantly so they can fix whatever may have gone wrong before something worse happens!

Check out this article for some additional ideas!

Electric Shock Treatment

Call 911 if:

The person has been injured by an electrical shock.Electrical shocks always need emergency medical attention — even if the person seems to be fine afterward. The 911 emergency personnel may instruct you on the following:

Separate the Person From Current’s Source

To turn off power

  • Unplug an appliance if plug is undamaged or shut off power via circuit breaker, fuse box, or outside switch.

If you can’t turn off power:

  • Stand on something dry and non-conductive, such as dry newspapers, telephone book, or wooden board.
  • Try to separate the person from current using non-conductive object such as wooden or plastic broom handle, chair, or rubber doormat.

Here https://www.webmd.com/first-aid/electric-shock-treatment/

5 Sure-Fire Signs You Need to Call an Electrician

There are five indicators that suggest deeper electrical problems. When you notice any one or more of these, it is time to call a professional for emergency help! 

Something Smells Like it’s Burning

It’s never a good sign when you start smelling burning from your electrical outlets or appliances. This could be an issue with the device on overload, so unplug it and call for emergency services if necessary!

Flickering Lights

This is a very common problem when your light bulb needs to be replaced. It could also mean that the old one was loose, but if you’ve tried tightening them up without any luck or flickers still occur after replacing then there’s more than just an aesthetic issue at hand here which requires attention from an electrician as soon as possible! Flickering/dimming lights are often symptoms of larger electrical issues like wiring problems in homes with multiple appliances on timers close together (like me). 

Circuit Breaker Issues

It’s a good idea to check your home’s wiring before installing new appliances or lights. Overloaded circuits can cause the breaker to switch on and off, which may be due to too many gadgets being used simultaneously- this includes TVs as well! If you find anything out of sorts with regards towards power consumption, then call for help from one those reputable electricians who will be able diagnose what needs fixing quickly so that we don’t waste any money.

Outlet Sparking

Something’s not right when sparks come out of your outlet every time you plug or unplug something. Though it may seem like a small issue, you cannot neglect this because this could result in serious electrical shocks and fires! If frequent sparking occurs, then stop using that spot immediately.

Call an electrician to help identify what caused these issues and find a solution that will keep you are your family safe.

Minor Electric Shocks

5 Sure-Fire Signs You Need to Call an Electrician

Walking on your carpet might make you feel some static shocks, but repeated and unexplained instances could be a sign of serious electrical issues. You may touch an appliance or outlet and notice the same issue. If this sounds familiar, then call for help right away! Do not take risks with safety at any time- even if something seems minor at first glance; fire can damage anything nearby including family members.

Check out this article for some additional plumbing tool ideas!


Older electrical systems can be inefficient and even hazardous. If your house is over 25 years of age and hasn’t had an electrical upgrade, it’s time to call your electrician and start the process of updating the whole system. This is especially important if your home was built between 1965 and 1975 when new construction often used aluminum wiring, which is prone to developing loose connections over time that can arc, spark, and start fires. If your house was built before 1940, it might have old knob-and-tube wiring, which should certainly be replaced.


The main service panel is the heart of your home’s electrical system and must be kept in good working shape. Inspect the panel regularly. If you see visible damage from smoldering, moisture build-up, or rust, there is likely a severe underlying problem that could put the wiring connections at risk. Bring in a professional electrician to determine if the problem can simply be repaired or if a whole new panel needs to be installed.

Here https://www.mistersparkytulsa.com/local-electrician/

5 Signs That Indicate Your Home Has Terrible Electrical Wiring

When it comes to electricity, you get what you pay for. If your house isn’t up-to code and has faulty wiring then not only can this cause a variety of issues including destruction of appliances or even electrocution but also fires! Make sure that any old houses like mine have updated electrical systems so they don’t put themselves at risk by causing damage through improper functioning.

Circuit Breakers Are Always Tripping

When your circuit breaker constantly trips, it means that you have a problem. You can try reducing the number of electronics plugged into this electrical supply or replace them with newer models to see if this helps resolve any overloads on their own before calling an electrician for assistance further down the line!

Lights Keep on Flickering

Flickering lights can mean a few different things. It might just be that your bulb needs replacing, but if certain areas in the house trip and all of them start flickering it suggests something serious is wrong with either the electrical wiring or electronics of those items’ power source–an immediate inspection becomes imperative! You should also watch out when dimming occurs while plugging certain appliances into walls of if switches emit buzzing sounds when turned on- these are huge red flags which require attention immediately

Electrical Receptacles Feel Hot

When you notice that the outlets in your home feel hot to touch, this could mean there’s a problem with wiring. Wires may be sending too much electricity through them and risk causing fires or other issues like burnt-out lights (and who wants those?).

Chewed Out Wires

When you notice your wires are frayed or chewed on, it might be a rodent infestation. Apart from calling pest control services and waiting for them to remediate the situation (which can take up two days), there’s also electrical service companies that provide help with this type of issue! The pests could have eaten through their protective coating which exposes live wires leading into potential safety hazards like shocks/burns as well as fires when things spark near either human skin or flammable materials suchlike carpets etc…

Burnt or Smoky Odor

When you smell something off coming near an outlet, the wiring has already caused combustion. Don’t wait for fire damage to escalate! Close your breakers and contact a trusted electrician immediately so they can inspect those wires

Check out this article for some additional plumbing tool ideas!

Flickering or dimming lights

There can be a lot of harmless reasons for flickering lights, such as a loose light bulb or an incompatible dimmer switch. Flickering and dimming can also mean bad wiring, like an overloaded circuit or a faulty electrical component.

Frayed wires

If a single area of your home seems to be having electrical problems, look at the wiring for switches, outlets, and anything with a plug. If any wires are frayed, they should be replaced – and you may want to look for other signs of a rodent problem, including in your air ducts.

Here https://www.neighborly.com/expert-tips/signs-of-bad-wiring-in-a-house-and-how-to-fix-it

From https://ift.tt/J6NF37A

Avoid The Most Common Electrical Code Violations

The following five violations of the electrical code are some common examples you may come across. Do not take any chances when it comes to your home’s wiring! Call an experienced electrician if there is evidence that someone has tampered with wires inside or outside, because they put both people and property at risk:

Insulation Touching Unrated Recessed Lights

If you have any recessed lights that come in contact with your attic’s insulation, make sure they are rated for an IC rating. This means there should be at least 3 inches of space between them and the IC-rated material on top (or bottom) coats like gypsum board/plaster walls etc… If unsure consult a professional!

Overcrowded Wires

When wiring a house, it’s easy to get carried away with the temptation of cramming 4-5 wires in that tiny hole. However, this results in damage and may not be noticed until another wire drags next to its neighbor(s) creating exposed conductors which can cause fires! As per standard practice there should only ever been 3 wires per 7/8 inch bore – leave room for any shifts by using larger holes or adding junction boxes where necessary

There’s nothing worse than coming home from a long day of work to find that your lights are out. It can make for some frustrating moments as you wonder what might have caused the power outage and if there is anything else wrong with this old house! Well, no need worry because now we know: putting newer light fixtures into an old wiring system will overload its capacity resulting in overheating which leads us back full circle – too much heat means they are more combustible which is dangerous.

Illegal Splices

One of the most dangerous violations is a splice, connecting two or more wires. These can be very easily done incorrectly inside an electrical box if you don’t know what you’re doing and could cause major problems with safety brackets being pulled out.

Technically only qualified electricians should be working on this type of thing and should ensure they are always following the electrical code.

Knob and Tube Wiring Issues

Wires in your home can be a fire hazard because they aren’t grounded and only support lower amperage. This kind of wiring was called “state-of the art” when it first came about, but now with today’s power guzzling gadgets that need higher pressures to work properly (and often times produce more heat) this type has become outdated – leading many homeowners down an unsafe path due their lackadaisical insulation which easily degrades over time.

Check out this article for some additional tips!


The National Electrical Code (NEC) is established by the National Fire Protection Association and has been adopted in all 50 states across America. In addition to the national code, which states have their own ways and degrees of enforcing, states and localities often have their own set of standards for electrical wiring and installation.

Nails and Screws Going Through Electrical Components

Nails and screws, as mentioned in the NEC, are used to secure electrical components but must meet certain criteria in order to be up to code. They must be applied to the back or one side of the component, and if they have to run through the electrical box, the wires in the box must be protected to eliminate the possibility of insulation deterioration. If the wires and insulation are not protected from each other, it once again increases the risk of starting a fire.

Here https://www.coynecollege.edu/how-to-avoid-the-most-common-electrical-code-violations/


From https://ift.tt/KxGXBIA

Reasons To Install A Heated Towel Rail In Your Bathroom

You can now have the luxury of enjoying a warm, fluffy towel in your own home. This is an amazing modern convenience that will make you feel cozy and comfortable while providing benefits beyond just warmth for bathrooms!

A licensed electrician would be able to install heated bars onto existing hardware or wiring with no major renovations needed- it’s really quite simple so don’t hesitate in getting a quote today. The best part? They’re very affordable; especially compared against other types of renovation projects which often come off costly

Less Washing To Do

When you install a heated towel bar, your bathroom will be free of mildew and you will save money on detergent. You can reuse these towels because they stay dry which means less energy wasted in washing them regularly or putting together with other items for laundry day! The installation helps keep water heaters from running constantly throughout the week-end when no one uses their homes’ plumbing system.

Multiple Uses

Your heated towel bar is a great way to keep your outerwear dry and warm. You can even use it for delicate personal clothing such as bras, undies or swimsuits if you want! And the added warmth will help take care of any bathroom needs – whether someone has just finished taking an shower during those cold mornings

Sleek & Stylish Design

The heated towel rail isn’t only functional but sleek and stylish too. The regular rack is commonly taken for granted because it’s really not eye-catching, however your heated Rails will catch attention with its luxurious look and make you feel pampered in the bath! There are many styles available like matching gold hardware or dark stain wood veneer; find one that suits both current décor preferences – because this style won’t go out fashion anytime soon

Efficient Heating System

When it comes to saving electricity, a heated towel bar is an innovative and cost-saving option that can be installed by certified electricians. You have various options for controlling heat depending on your needs with the goal of enjoying these benefits without wasted energy!

Fresh and Hygienic Towels

When you pick up your towel after showering, it can be annoying to smell a musty odor because the towel didn’t dry properly. This bridges the gap between cleanliness and personal hygiene with an unpleasant smell that will bother everyone!

Reasons To Install A Heated Towel Rail In Your Bathroom

To curb this problem use heated bars for drying clothes instead of just hanging them on racks around home -they are much healthier options in terms of hygiene and also safety, since no one wants mold growing inside their house (or anywhere else!)

Find out even more tips from these blogs:


Almost every five-star hotel has one installed. They can be found in most new modern-day apartments and homes as a standard fixture. But in the past, many people have considered them nothing more than a luxury. The truth is that the benefits of a heated towel rack are hard to ignore.

Here https://www.oceanhomemag.com/lifestyle/5-reasons-why-you-need-a-heated-towel-rack-in-your-bathroom/

From https://ift.tt/ts6WjEZ

Here Are The Two Most Popular Ways to Childproof Electrical Outlets

The number one thing parents need to know about their kids and electrical outlets is that they’re not safe for small fingers. Electricians have seen toddlers stick toys, conductors like scissors into an outlet only because it looked so interesting! You might think this doesn’t matter since there’s no way anything can come out alive once inside…but you’d be wrong: electric shocks upset heart rhythms which could lead directly towards death if left untreated–and deaths from shocking hobbyists are daily occurrences worldwide (no joke).

This should sound more dramatic than simple

When you look around your home, you will notice a ton of outlets because the modern world relies on appliances and electrical devices. You have tons of outlets to secure. Fortunately, there are many ways to childproof these outlets. Here’s what you need to know about getting this job done seamlessly to protect your little kids:

When you’re looking around your home, it’s hard to avoid the hundreds of outlets that are clogged with appliances and electrical devices. The modern world relies on these things so much! Fortunately for parents who want their kids safe while they do this important task though there is plenty one can do in order protect them from getting hurt by something labeled “too big” or just not knowing what will happen when an unfamiliar hand goes near some random outlet- especially small children whose curiosity may lead them into danger without thinking twice before touching anything…

The key here really comes down two extremes: making sure everything has adult supervision at all times (and preferably trained professionals),or installing childsafe covers over every appliance nor electric rod

Don’t want to do it yourself? Book with a reputable company to get you started ASAP

Childproofing the outlets is easy! Here’s how to do it

Fitted Electrical Outlet Caps – Protect young children from danger

This is the most reliable method because it’s straightforward, safe and affordable. Electrical outlet caps come in a variety of shapes/designs that provide protection for your child by keeping them away from any dangerous plugs-they just need one piece to fit all types!

These caps fit snuggly, making it difficult for children to remove. However when you need that quick outlet in a hurry and don’t have time or energy enough just bend over-the baby’s not going anywhere! These little headaches are worth having because they ensure your kids stay safe while staying out of trouble at home (and away from dangerous outlets).

Fitted Box Outlet Covers – Protect young children

You can also childproof electrical outlets by installing fitted box covers. This means you put a cover on the whole outlet so your little ones cannot play with them and there are several variants in market, working differently but having same outcome of making it difficult for kids to open up an appliance without supervision or help from adult figurehead when needed most!

There is a little clip or hook to keep it close, and this mechanism isn’t designed for children because of how stiff the cover feels. It takes more work on your end when fitting these covers than electrical caps do-but if you use outlets often then they can be convenient! If there are lots in one area that need fixing (like an apartment), call up someone who knows what he’s doing at Electric Company Today LLC instead; we’ll take care everything from start until finish without any problems whatsoever

It’s important to know how to pick the right one. The best way is by following these steps:

When you’re looking at which electrical outlet to buy for your home, there are a few things that need consideration. First of all ask yourself:

How often am I going use this? What design style do I prefer (chandelier vsopus)? And how much money can spend on the project itself – both now and in future updates as they arise over time

The best way forward would be start by asking these questions then decide accordingly from there

The sliding box outlet cover is more convenient than caps if you need to use your outlets frequently. However, these look bulkier and require a bit of work on installation- thus creating an even balance between the two will likely be best for most people!

For frequently used outlets, pay a bit more for the sliding box cover. As for other less frequently used ones pop in an electrical cap when you use them correctly this creates safety and security of your children by preventing any shocks from happening

Here Are The Two Most Popular Ways to Childproof Electrical Outlets

It is important that we educate ourselves on how electricity works so our home doesn’t have unexpected malfunctions because there were no steps taken towards understanding its function or abilities within wiring fixtures throughout different areas which may lead someone inexperienced handling these systems into dangerous situations

Check out this article for some additional Reasons You Should Baby-Proof Electrical Outlets

9 Clever Ways to Baby-Proof Electrical Outlets and Cords

6. Tie the Long Cord

The easiest way to handle long cords is to wrap and tie them with tape or zip tie. It is a simple, DIY solution to shorten the cord so your toddler can’t get their hands on a long cord to pull or chew. Or you can also use rubber bands or even paper clips to tie them. If you are looking for something that looks a little fancier than a zip tie, keep reading.

7. Cord Shortener

A Cord shortener is a small plastic box that allows you to wrap the long cord inside it. And you can have your cord as sort as you need, thereby limiting access to your child. This Safety 1st cord shortener comes with an electrical outlet cover and is easy to install. But before making a purchase, check what kind of outlet you have in your home because Safety 1st cord shortener is not compatible with new square power outlets. It is compatible with only oval-shaped sockets.

Here https://empiricalmama.com/baby-proof-electrical-outlets-and-cords/


From https://ift.tt/2aTV5hU

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